While learning about TMS is a huge component to ending your symptoms, it's not the only thing. Want a quick video that describes how most pain starts and becomes chronice? To to: http://PainFreeYou.com
Medication and Reactions
Some folks react worse to medications than others. Some of that could be biological, immune related or it could be the expectation that the medicine could hurt us.
Your Individual TMS Symptoms Don't Matter
The variety of TMS symptoms seems to be never ending. And folks with severe symptoms often feel they are different and that the TMS work they need to do will have to be more difficult or different from everyone else. It's not true. Don't know what TMS or stress illness is?
TMS - Question & Answer
I often get tons of questions on my private facebook group called Pain Free You. I figured I would batch a bunch of them together and go through the answers. To join my facebook group, go to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PainFreeYou For more information about TMS or Stress Illness - go to: http://PainFreeYou.com
And more…
After answering a bunch of questions in this mornings video, I realized I still had another 20 or so questions that I hadn't addressed. This video tackles those questions. Enjoy.
The Brains Primary Job - SURVIVAL
Stressing About Stress
Stress Illness is massive and the main cause of illness. The crazy thing is that most people are stressing out about their stress illness. http://PainFreeYou.com to learn more.
Limiting Belief Rewire - Part 2
Due to some questions I got on my Part 1 video, figured I would shoot another video to cover those questions and clarify the process. Part 1: https://youtu.be/xE149ZQaedY
Is Fibromyalgia A Stress Induced Disorder?
TMS is one of those diagnosis that puts fear into people. The good news is that it too can be eliminated when you realize the true root cause of it. (this is an older video that was posted on Facebook, but realized I didn't have it on my YouTube Channel.
Is Carpal Tunnel TMS?
Carpal Tunnel, also known as a repetitive strain injury is definitely considered to be TMS. If you are unfamiliar with the term TMS, go to http://PainFreeYou.com to watch a video of how pain happens and how it becomes chronic.
Safety & Why Pain Gets Worse
People often wonder why when they begin doing a TMS process of feeling emotions to heal their pain, the pain gets worse. Here's why. It's all about safety.
Throw Away The Rear View Mirror
Spending too much time reviewing our past traumas may not be helping us. As it relates to ending stress illness and TMS, it may not be the answer we are hoping for. New to TMS or Stress Illness?
How to Select A TMS Therapist or Coach
When it's time to look for outside help in ending your TMS or stress illness, there are a few things to consider in finding the right individual to help you. Not sure what stress illness or TMS is? Go to: http://PainFreeYou.com to watch a video explaining it all.
Limiting Belief Rewire
If you are living your life based on beliefs that are holding you back - this process will help you step outside of them and rewire your brain. If you have chronic pain or illness and want to learn how that begins and becomes chronic - visit: http://PainFreeYou.com
Are You Stuck In Victim Mode?
Victim Mode is a huge problem these days. If you are suffering from TMS or other chronic symptoms - this video may help you get out of the victim role.
Worrying About Chronic Pain Doubles The Suffering
New to my videos? New to the concepts of stress induced pain syndromes or other mysterious illnesses. Go to http://PainFreeYou.com to learn how pain or other symptoms start and how they become chronic.
Have You Noticed Any Positive Changes?
It's easy to get discouraged with this TMS work when you haven't eliminated your pain yet. This video will help you keep track of your progress to keep you going.
Do You Have An Accurate Diagnosis?
When it comes to chronic pain or other chronic illness, often we will be given a "diagnosis" by a doctor who is purely assigning a medical label to a set of symptoms without any PROOF that what they say is causing the pain or symptom is really the cause.
Is It Difficult To Heal TMS and End Our Pain and Symptoms?
So many people express how difficult it is to get rid of their TMS pain or other symptoms. In this video I break down the four key areas, that if you get dialed in, you can get better fairly easily.
Is This TMS?
I see people describing symptoms and medical labels for "problems" and asking is THIS TMS? There's really two ways to know. I share those two ways in this video.
You Don't Have To Be Perfect
I see so many people worried that they are doing a TMS healing process "wrong" and they won't get better if they don't do it perfectly. Here's my take on that.