Step 2: Discover the REAL cause of Chronic Pain
In the video below, I will walk you through the real cause of the vast majority of pain. It's called "Diversion Pain Syndrome". This information is really the golden ticket to a life without physical pain. Watch the video below to see what's really going on and causing your pain.
Sound a bit far fetched? How about some medical proof...
Fact: New England Journal of Medicine 1994 - MRI’s on 98 People with NO history of Back Pain, 34% had normal discs, 66% had bulging discs at one or more levels or disc protrusions and extrusions (herniations)
Interpretation: If 2/3 of the people with no back pain have the same structural problems you do, maybe it’s not the disc. (Hint: It’s not)
Fact: University of Copenhagen - A study comparing X-rays of 238 patients suffering low back pain versus 66 people with NO history of back pain. The X-rays reported no structural difference.
Interpretation: The radiologist reading the reports wouldn’t be able to tell which stack of X-rays had pain versus no pain. All the spines looked the same whether a patient had pain or not. (Again, it’s not the spine.)
Fact: Neurosurgeon Dr. H.C. Rosomoff found disc herniations responsible for pain in less than 3% of cases.
Interpretation: So much of todays treatments, injections and surgeries are useless and have no chance of eliminating the pain. Why? Because it was never the disc.
Fact: Hoag Hospital and Cleveland Clinic 1994 - New England Journal of Medicine - On a study of 98 people who have never had back pain, 64 of the 98 reported lumbar disc bulges and protrusions or extrusions (herniations) on MRI.
Interpretation: This study supports the first ones findings. Bulges and herniations don’t cause the vast majority of back pain.
Fact: Hadassah Hospital Jerusalem 1976 - There is no difference in the incidence of low back pain in people with or without osteoarthritis of the spine.
Interpretation: Osteoarthritis is not painful. It’s a normal sign of aging. Operating on this is like operating on my gray hair.
Fact: In a study of 109 CT scans showing patients with Herniated discs, after 1-3 years of a linguistic treatment like Zero Pain Now. 96 were pain free. 11 were mostly better. 2 were unchanged.
Interpretation: If it was the herniated disc that was causing the pain, education and changing the way these folks thought and acknowledged emotions would have never eliminated the pain. Yet they did.
Fact: 1975 - 2 German investigators found evidence of mild oxygen deprivation in nuclei of muscle cells of patients with back pain. 1985 - Research findings were duplicated by Swedish Rheumatologists.
Interpretation: This further supports the “Pathway to Pain” process how repressed emotions creates real physical tension in the body, which creates blood vessel constriction and a reduction of blood flow and oxygen.
All this sounds great in theory, what about results?
The biggest evidence that pain is caused by this emotional repression process is that thousands of people who have all sorts of horrible diagnosis, pain histories, treatments, surgeries have gotten pain free using Zero Pain Now. If it was their body at cause of the pain, this program wouldn’t work. The success stories are proof that disc or spine were never the cause.
The Best Proof: Take a look at our Success Stories including a Pilot Study with the Mayo Clinic in December 2015
So who gets Diversion Pain Syndrome?
There are certain personality traits which are most common for people suffering the symptoms of Diversion Pain Syndrome. And since most back pain and body pain actually originates in your brain, it’s easy to understand that people with certain personality traits are more likely to repress emotions.
A single one of the following traits is enough to increase the likelihood of suffering Diversion Pain Syndrome symptoms. The more traits that apply to you, the more likely the cause of your back pain and body pain can be banished using the Zero Pain Now® method. The traits are as follows:
- Perfectionist
- Do-Gooders
- Dependable
- People Pleasers
- Spiritual-Religious
- Compulsive
- Sensitive to Criticism
The good news is these are all wonderful traits. Many achievers are perfectionists. The world needs Do-Gooders. Being dependable is a great thing. All of these traits are very useful.
Unfortunately, these traits have proven to be the very same traits that lead to repressing certain emotions. The repressed emotions begin the process that leads to back and body pain, along with tingling, burning, numbness, weakness and other symptoms.
The great news is that you don't need to change your personality or eliminate all your area's of stress to eliminate your pain. We are all still human and encounter varying degrees of stress every single day. You can still be a perfectionist and work in a stressful job or have a stressful life and still eliminate your pain. That's the strength of the Zero Pain Now® process.
Okay, now that you know the real cause of chronic pain, the next step is where you identify how your emotional world corresponds with your pain. (Both in your past and present.) Let's keep moving onto to step 3 by clicking the button below.